Our Programs
At Sync Space we take a unique approach to developing programs for our region. We connect with some of the area's leading corporations and educators to craft targeted classes and bootcamps that will benefit the companies and residents of our region. With a focus on healthcare, business development, makers, and digital technologies, we are advancing our region from the bottom up.
Business Level:
Idea to Early Stage
These programs are catered to businesses just getting started.
The Co.Starters programs help entrepreneurs and startups equip themselves with the best tools and resources for their new business.
Our boot camp programs cover a range of different industries and equip business owners with the basics. This short-term program is a perfect place to start.
Business Level:
Early to Mid Stage
For companies who have got the basics covered and could use some guidance moving forward.
The STRIVE veteran entrepreneur program is offered to veterans who are ready to start or grow their business.
Connect directly with a mentor in your field of expertise to gain insight and guidance to develop your business.
Business Level:
Mid Stage to Growth
If you’ve been a business for a while and are ready for higher levels of success, check these out.
To recruit companies that can provide economic impact through expansion, advanced manufacturing, and high-tech job creation.
For employees, owners, and operators of restaurants and foodservice businesses to respond to the pandemic and your customer’s needs and expectations.
For employees, owners, and operators of restaurants and foodservice businesses to respond to the pandemic and your customer’s needs and expectations.
Where do I start?
Our programs are created to cater to different businesses, whatever level they are currently at. If you have questions, or aren’t sure where to begin, fill out the form below and we’ll guide you to your best fit.
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